
Secretary of State Michael Adams


FRANKFORT, KY (January 27, 2023) – Secretary of State Michael Adams announced that, in December and for the first time, Kentucky voter registration under “other” political affiliations has broken the 10 percent mark.

In December, Kentucky saw 6,103 new voters register, for a net gain of 509 new voters. Meanwhile, 5,594 voters were removed from the rolls – 3,686 deceased voters, 1,429 who moved out of state, 391 felony convicts, 44 who voluntarily de-registered, 43 who were adjudged mentally incompetent, and 1 duplicate registration.

“Candidates for statewide office should take notice: to win a general election, they must reach out beyond their base and court the fastest-growing bloc of the electorate,” said Adams.

Republican registrants account for 45.5 percent of the electorate with 1,635,938 voters. Republican registration rose by 2,048 voters, a 0.13 percent increase. Democratic registrants account for 44.5 percent of the electorate, with 1,600,466 voters. Democratic registration dropped by 2,892 voters, a 0.18 percent decrease. Voters registered as Independent or with other affiliations account for 10 percent of the electorate, with 358,336 voters. “Other” registration increased by 1,353 voters, or 0.38 percent.

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